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Opportunity London – Attracting capital to the Capital, for good

Opportunity London is the public-private partnership to win capital investment for London. Driving business development and brokerage across real estate, regeneration, infrastructure and energy, with a top focus on affordable housing, life sciences and green assets.

A unique partnership between the City of London, London Councils, Mayor of London and a growing consortium of private sector supporters, London ambassadors and specialist advisors. Enabled by London and Partners and NLA, with a dedicated delivery team and Jace Tyrell as the inaugural CEO.

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New Sydney Waterfront CEO, Sydney – Australia’s First BID

Working with Chairman, Geoff Parmenter, and the New Sydney Waterfront Board of major property owners, business operators and anchor attractions in the precinct to establish Australia’s first Business Improvement District (BID) in the New Sydney Waterfront. As CEO, Jace Tyrrell represents the businesses and property owners in one of Sydney’s largest regeneration precincts with circa $10bn investment set for this decade. Tyrrell is leading partnerships with businesses, institutions, City and State Government and precinct collaborators. Delivering a range of pilot services and programmes to demonstrate the partnership’s value – seeking to secure formal BID status by 2025.

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Soho Neighbourhood Forum, London

The Soho Neighbourhood Forum (SNF) uses the powers created by the UK Localism Act 2011 to give people living and working in an area the right to draw up their own plan for their area. The Soho Neighbourhood Area (SNA) was designated in 2013 and the SNF was designated in 2014 as a business Neighbourhood Forum, which is led by a Forum Steering Group (FSG) represented by an equal mix of residents and businesses. Jace Tyrrell was a founding Steering Group Member and Vice Chair from 2020-2022, leading on programs for vehicle reduction, air quality improvements and maximising business engagement in the Forums activities.

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Mayfair Neighbourhood Forum, London

Mayfair has a unique place in London. It is the country’s most prestigious residential address and enjoys a world-class reputation for business, tourism and luxury. The Mayfair Neighbourhood Forum, a group of local residents and business leaders, produced a Mayfair Neighbourhood Plan. Jace Tyrrell was Vice Chair of the Forum from 2019-2022 chairing the Engagement Committee, spearheading business advocacy for the Neighbourhood Plan at the Referendum and support in securing funds for Mayfair’s first Green Route

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Bond Street Transformation, London

Bond Street is in the heart of London’s Mayfair and Europe’s most prestigious shopping address. With 50 different property owners and over 100 businesses operating on the 1km promenade, it was a major commercial challenge to unite business interests behind a single vision to transform the urban environment and the customer experience. Jace Tyrrell, as head of New West End Company, worked with Lucy Musgrave Founder of Publica, London’s leading research and urban design practice, with Cynthia Grant, Project Director, to raise £10m capital to deliver the transformational scheme. This achieved remarkable commercial results with 12% increase in turnover and 15% in asset values.

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Hanover Square Renewal, London

One of London’s first Georgian Squares, built in the 1720’s, it is a major gateway into the heart of London’s West End. Blighted for almost a decade with the construction of the Elizabeth Line (£16bn Crossrail East/West Rail Network in Central London), Jace Tyrrell, led a campaign with London’s leading research and urban design practice Publica, headed by Lucy Musgrave and Project Director, Cynthia Grant, to raise £12m in private and public sector capital for a complete renewal of this iconic square.

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New West End Award Winning Garden, Chelsea Flower Show, London

New West End Company advocated for major property owners to work together to invest and create more bio-diversity and green spaces throughout London’s West End. Jace Tyrrell, led a Project Team to deliver a gold winning entry to the Chelsea Flower Show in 2018, using kinetic powered energy. The garden was featured throughout national media for its innovation and then transferred as a permanent green space in Old Quebec Street, London

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Oxford Street District Investor Roadshow - #OS22 , London

Oxford Street is Europe’s largest shopping precinct, but in the past decade, it has had to respond to major consumer shifts in retail demand and global economic headwinds. In 2018, Jace Tyrrell and the team at New West End Company spearheaded a Global Inward Investment Campaign, to drive occupier upgrades, property development, tenant deal making and public sector funding. The Strategy centred on the #OS22 Global Roadshow, generating millions in media and industry profile, 50 new brands opening in two years and commitment from the City Council for a £150m package of investment.

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City & Westminster Property Associations Re-Set, London

From 2013–2014, Jace Tyrrell was the Executive Director of the City & Westminster Property Associations, representing London’s leading property trade groups with a combined portfolio of over £40bn. Tyrrell championed the industry views of 400 businesses actively investing in and managing commercial real estate in the UK capital and advocated to policy makers locally and nationally. Members of both Associations were made up of the top UK and global property companies including land owners, investors, developers, occupiers and advisors. During Tyrrell’s tenure, new policies were adopted for commercial real estate by the City Council and Mayor of London. Membership income doubled.

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New West End Company – Europe’s Largest BID, London

A world leading property and occupier Business Improvement District (BID). The largest in Europe, representing over 600 businesses and 150,000 employees across Bond St, Oxford St, Regent St & Mayfair in London. As both a Director (founding stage) and then returning as Chief Executive, Jace Tyrrell led high performing teams, secured impressive business mandates (world record BID Ballot in March 2021) and achieved remarkable precinct results by enabling strong public, private and community sector collaborations.

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Road to Zero – West End’s International Centre Action Plan, London

In summer 2019, Jace Tyrrell with Dee Corsi at New West End Company, started preparing the West End’s five-year Business Strategy. Speaking to over 300 retail, hotel, restaurant and property owner businesses to develop and set our shared priorities. From those conversations, businesses were clear they wanted the BID to strive to create a truly sustainable district of international recognition across economic, social and environmental programmes. Two years later, Tyrrell and Corsi were able to make that promise a reality. The West End International Centre’s Road to Zero Sustainability Action Plan was created, with the aim to reduce the environmental impacts of West End businesses and consumers with the overall goal of becoming one of the world’s most environmentally sustainable International Centres.

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West End COVID Recovery, London

World cities faced unprecedented social and economic impact from COVID 19. London’s West End went from a vibrant destination welcoming 200m visitors a year, spending over £10bn to a drop of over 80% at the peak of the pandemic. Jace Tyrrell led the West End’s International Centre’s response, with the Board of New West End Company, in securing vital operational and financial business support. Tyrrell, updated Government Ministers on a regular basis on the economic impact of COVID and was an advisor to Mayor of London Recovery Boards which aimed to drive immediate visitor and business demand and also longer-term policy development to pivot the Central Activity Zone for economic recovery post Pandemic. A major milestone was bringing major West End landlords and partners together to work collectively on destination promotions, inward investment campaigns and a joint Christmas Switch-on Event in 2021 – A West End first!

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Inaugural Art in Mayfair, London

Mayfair is home to over 400 galleries, independent to large global houses. In 2019, Bond Street started collaborating with the Royal Academy of Arts, as part of their acclaimed Summer Exhibition. Spearheaded by Katie Thomas at New West End Company, Jace Tyrrell joined the Mayfair Art Weekend Board to forge a commercial partnership between the two organisations to drive a signature campaign and outdoor exhibition for the galleries of Bond Street & Mayfair each summer – with the aim of embedding this initiative as the art world’s answer to the ‘Chelsea Flower Show’. Over 100,000 clients have participated and the galleries have reported stronger demand and interest following the collaboration

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Award Winning Precinct Insights & Performance Unit with PwC

Following Jace Tyrrell completing the world renowned Senior Executive Program at London Business School, he secured New West End Company Board commitment to scale up investment in precinct level data sourcing and analytics. The aim was to ensure West End businesses could better understand what was driving their performance and help inform data enriched businesses decisions – to gain a competitive edge. Tyrrell, working with his senior team and consumer insight experts at global advisory firm PwC, headed up by impressive data scientists and PwC Partner, Megan Higgins, to build primary insights supported by secondary sources. This resulted in the world first precinct level market reporting for London’s West End.

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Association of International Retail (AIR), UK

In 2020, post BREXIT, the UK Government decided to withdraw the highly valuable Tax-Free Shopping service to UK visitors. This decision wiped £1bn of sales from UK retail, leisure and hospitality businesses and damaged the Country’s global competitiveness. Mounting a cross-sector and cross-Country Campaign, Jace Tyrrell chaired the Campaign Group advocating for policy change with Government Affairs Expert Advisor, Paul Barnes, as AIR’s Chief Executive. The campaign group secured millions in funding to mount legal challenges and a targeted media and lobbying campaign. Although, in 2022 the UK Government policy has not changed, there is increasing pressure from AIR and the industry for HM Treasury to review the real and long-term economic damage with various Select Committee Groups in the UK Parliament calling for a full review of the decision

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